Thursday, March 4, 2010

Black Friday Sales - Start Saving Now

Start a Christmas savings account. It's not too early. If you begin now and save only $25 a week that would be around $900 by Thanksgiving. Considering the direction of our economy the sales this year should be even more competitive so... advantage buyer. If you're ready to pay in cash when something is on sale you really extend your dollars.

There's a clever account called Smarty Pig that helps you reach specific savings goals. The attractive website doesn't hurt either.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Christmas Forgotten and a Giant Snow Fort

Since Christmas we've survived multiple snowstorms, made dozens of snow angels, and built a snow fort worthy of a princess, with windows, moats and thrones.  Actually, I thought ours was impressive until  I saw this picture at a local news site. Wow.

Anyway, I was going to tell you that it turned out well that I didn't go strong on the princess theme last Christmas. My daughter has declared she is a tom-boy and tore the princess stick-ons off of her wall. She's asked me to look for race cars so we can change the theme of her room.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Gifts for Girls, the wonderful aftermath of Christmas

The surprise is over so I can tell you what my daughter got for Christmas. I followed my own list -- somewhat. I went easy on the electronics this year. I bought a couple of games for the V-smile and one for the Leapster 2 and I was encouraged again that she played with real toys more than video games anyway. :o) Yeah! She didn't appreciate much the new flat iron that we can share -- until she saw the results. She has tight curls and I did her hair while watching the Princess Protection Program. She felt totally diva and even dressed for the occasion in a Tinkerbell outfit. She got a Fur-Real Puppy, which, although one of the smallest packages, was her favorite. What else? A Wowwee Lion Cub, Hannah Montana watch, graphic hoodie, girlie legos, a new barn for her horses, a big soft teddy bear and enough bath stuff to provide bubble baths and makeovers for some time...