Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Gifts for Girls, the wonderful aftermath of Christmas

The surprise is over so I can tell you what my daughter got for Christmas. I followed my own list -- somewhat. I went easy on the electronics this year. I bought a couple of games for the V-smile and one for the Leapster 2 and I was encouraged again that she played with real toys more than video games anyway. :o) Yeah! She didn't appreciate much the new flat iron that we can share -- until she saw the results. She has tight curls and I did her hair while watching the Princess Protection Program. She felt totally diva and even dressed for the occasion in a Tinkerbell outfit. She got a Fur-Real Puppy, which, although one of the smallest packages, was her favorite. What else? A Wowwee Lion Cub, Hannah Montana watch, graphic hoodie, girlie legos, a new barn for her horses, a big soft teddy bear and enough bath stuff to provide bubble baths and makeovers for some time...